You've made it! Thanks a lot for playing the game!
Fortunately, things don't end just here... You can create levels and share it with your friends,
or load some of their created levels! Also, there are daily challenges available for you, and you can replay
the entire game if you wish too, by accessing 'Start New Game' on menu.
We are open to receive feedback or suggestions to improve the game, so send us an e-mail if you want to, we
will be happy to hear from you!
Also, you can create levels and share it with us to so we can put it on the daily challenges :D
Down here you can see the results of your game compared to others that are playing too.
And some curiosities and stories about us and the creation of this game.
Thank you again and have a great day!
Ok, for those who stuck around, here are some curiosities about this game:
1. The name Joido actually come from cutting and concatenating the words
"Join" and "Dots". It just sounded cool!
2. This game was inspired by some of our friends who wanted to see what cool
patterns he could draw on smartphones about 5 years ago; Well, he eventually started drawing some very
challenging patterns and the idea started growing from there.
3. Initially, this game was to be released as a native Android app, but we
didn't know how to do some crazy good animations back there. Then we learned some javascript over the years
and the thing kinda grew!
4. There's no algorithm to check the minimum amount of clicks possible to
perform a given pattern, we just had to brute force trial and error until we guessed what would be the optimal
solution. (Wish you good luck if you are going to try to implement it :D)